Saturday, June 18, 2011

Special Entry: {Tutorial} SR's Royal Flower

since there's a lot of request on how to do this new pattern of flower,
so here it is the special entry of tutorial on how to make SR's Royal Flower
{thanks to Amna and EQG members who named this flower :)}

basically, it is a husking flower as picture below

so, for the first step, prepare 5 husking petals which you may find the tutorial made by Claire;
one of my favorite quillers at here {video tutorial} or here {picture tutorial}.

and of course a tight coil for its centerpiece.
you may also replace the centerpiece with pompom flower, beads
or anything depends on you creativity and preferences.

skip the last part of Claire's tutorial {i.e. gluing all the petals together};

and the next step, slip the slotted tool into each of the loops inside the husking petal {as picture above}...

and roll it down.
you may roll it clockwise or counterclockwise, but make sure that it is symmetrical;
{means if the first left loop is rolled clockwise, so the first right loop must be counterclockwise and so on}.

repeat the same steps for all 5 petals.

lastly, combine and paste the petals together as well as it's centerpiece.
and there you go, royal flower ready to be pasted on your card !
or perhaps you can make it as pendant or earrings ;)

*since this is my first time making tutorial, and i have no other hands to help me capturing the picture while rolling the loop, i hope the explanation and pictures are clear and understandable.

enjoy making the flower,
happy weekend everyone! :)

quilling tool and papers sponsored by: Soul Sisters Quilling Shop


obrazkowa said...

Beautiful flower!

kiddo said...

Very beautiful flower! Thank you for the tutorial! Is really very well done!

Mannayah said...

thank you so much for posting this tutorial .. it is very kind of you to do so :)
Thanks Asma

best wishes

Yasmin said...

Thank you, Asma. This tutorial is very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing. You do really amazing and inspirational work.

Inna D. said...

Thank you very much for the tutorial! Love your curled petals.

Solehah Muhammad said...

Ternyata,cara kita berbeza! Hahahaa, aku ingat sama tau >.<!

Unknown said...

These yellow ladies look absolutely beautiful!!!Today i learnt a new design,and happy for tat :)thanks!!!

Dipali said...

Thankyou so much for sharing this tutorial :)

Divya Deepak said...

thank u sooooo much:-)

Brenda said...

Thank you so much for posting this tutorial! This truly is a "royal flower" and your work is magnificently royal to match!

fayyza ideas said...

buleh tak quote komen solehah? hahah!!! thanks so much as! baru ku tau cara yg paling betul... akan dsebarkan ke seluruh pelosok alam.. :)

chillin with Quillin said...

Beautiful flower, thanks for sharing how to make it!!

masliza said...

As, tima kasih banyak2 sangat. migrain akak fikir haritu camner nak buat. hehhe... tak sabar nak try. ehemmm..... bila ek, tool nak restok? heheh

Anonymous said...

Thank you! This was perfect. I truly am inspired by your lovely work and I appreciate that you are willing to share it with us.

Karuna said...

thanks so much for sharing!!! though ur look the best n so very neat!!

a paper {life} said...

thanks so much...your tutorial was perfect. We have all seen husking but it is amazing what you can do with just a few twits to it.

Lovely....I am going to try it myself

Baukje said...

'm so happy I had already tried it but I wanted to fail now, it surely succeed
Thank you very much for the explanation!
Greetings Baukje

Unknown said...


send flowers to usa from india said...

Amazing! really it need too much practice to produce such quality.

Shaheen said...

Thank you so much for the tutorial! JazakAllah!

stitchNknot said...

Simply beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial. I've been interested in quilling for quite some time. Maybe i'll try it later.

Artes de Nágela said...

Very beautiful!

Crafty Diva's said...

Tima kasih As dh wat tutorial..
lepas nih sape2 tnya nk wat camne bunga ni terus refer kt blog SR..

Indira Tanwar said...

Hey Asma!! I have an award for you. Do visit my blog to view it :)

Cheers, Indira said...

Loved it!

✿ n0ra ✿ said...

That's what i thot of u doing it... Thanks for confirming. L.O.V.E

Nati said...

thank you for sharing this beautiful work!!

Anonymous said...

Was just looking for quilling patterns and new ideas when I came across your site. Thank you for this very beautiful flower and the tutorial of how of make it. I am a keen quiller and live in Cambridgeshire, UK. Thank you again, Christine Lee (husband originally from KL) said...

Wonder how I missed out on this. Glad I came accross it now. So much has been said about this wonderful flower. It is indeed Royal. Thanks for the tutorial

Mandar Flores said...

Awesome, i am always looking for new ideas for artificial flowers. This is beautiful and unique.

Christine said...

thanks, this is lovely and inspiring

Divya Deepak said...

Thanks for the tutorial:) is the link for what i tried...:)hope u like it!

kalanirmitee said...

Thanks for the tutorial..

Pssequimages said...

Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. said...

This tutorial is a blessing. Thank you for sharing.

Neha said...

Its nice and you make it easy.. Thanks for tutorial :)

helen said...

This is so beautiful and unique.Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring us all !!!

Teddie Seeley said...

What a wonderful tutorial.
Thank you for sharing.

Mea said...

Thank you for sharing! :)

Rajlakshmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rajlakshmi said...

Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial :D I am gonna try it today :D